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India is world’s youngest country in terms of demographic dividend with an unmatched 64 per cent of its people coming under the working-age group of 15-64 years of age and where every third Indian is a youth. This vast young pool, if skilled well, can create additional 2 per cent GDP growth rate in the coming years and enable India emerge as global economic leader.
BMW India Foundation is imparting a focused skill development program to provide livelihood opportunities to disadvantaged urban youth. This also aligns with the government’s flagship 'Skill India' program.
The programme is youth-centric and has been created with a sharp focus on the desired outcomes of youth entering and sustaining in the jobs, undertaking further education, or getting a job based training in order to start their chosen career. The project delivers life skills training, core employability skills training, domain skills training whilst integrating sports and activity based learning methods to enhance youth’s engagement and to increase knowledge transfer during sessions.
Core skills imparted include work-readiness skills, financial literacy, life skills, basic computer and spoken English skills. It also helps the participants with job application, interview, pre-and post-placement support etc.
India is world’s youngest country in terms of demographic dividend with an unmatched 64 per cent of its people coming under the working-age group of 15-64 years of age and where every third Indian is a youth. This vast young pool, if skilled well, can create additional 2 per cent GDP growth rate in the coming years and enable India emerge as global economic leader.
BMW India Foundation is imparting a focused skill development program to provide livelihood opportunities to disadvantaged urban youth. This also aligns with the government’s flagship 'Skill India' program.
The programme is youth-centric and has been created with a sharp focus on the desired outcomes of youth entering and sustaining in the jobs, undertaking further education, or getting a job based training in order to start their chosen career. The project delivers life skills training, core employability skills training, domain skills training whilst integrating sports and activity based learning methods to enhance youth’s engagement and to increase knowledge transfer during sessions.
Core skills imparted include work-readiness skills, financial literacy, life skills, basic computer and spoken English skills. It also helps the participants with job application, interview, pre-and post-placement support etc.